
2021 brings big changes to the carbon market landscape

ZE PowerGroup Inc. explores how newly launched emissions trading systems, recently established task forces, upcoming initiatives and the new US President, Joe Biden, and his administration can further the drive towards tackling the climate crisis

Energy Risk Software Rankings: A different world

With Covid-19 causing turbulent markets and remote working, energy risk functions have never been more reliant on technology. Energy Risk’s annual Software Rankings reveal the industry’s technology preferences

Energy25 winners in review

Energy25 aims to capture, define and analyse an important period in the development of energy markets, providing an invaluable yardstick for all participants. More broadly, it represents the latest stage in the strategy of defining, researching and…

The changing face of European power trading

Large pools of data, an abundance of cheap and powerful computing capacity, the rise of renewables, and the development of the smart grid are having a significant impact on European power and gas trading. New and interesting developments continue to…

Achieving business agility through CTRM systems

Today’s narrow margins mean utilities and energy traders need to cut costs and improve efficiencies, and a firm’s choice of commodity trading and risk management system will be crucial in the battle to become as agile as possible

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